Content | |
Textual description | Die Registerzählungen 2011 und 2021 und die jährliche Abgestimmte Erwerbsstatistik sind Vollerhebungen zu Merkmalen der österreichischen Wohnbevölkerung zum Stichtag 31.10., die mittels Auswertung von Verwaltungs- und Registerdaten durchgeführt werden. Das inhaltliche Konzept richtet sich nach der EU-Verordnung für Volks- und Wohnungszählungen. Die Volkszählungen 1991 und 2001 sind Fragebogen-Vollerhebungen zu den Stichtagen 15.05.1991 bzw. 15.05.2001. Das inhaltliche Konzept beruht auf dem Volkszählungsgesetz 1980 sowie den Zensusempfehlungen der Konferenz Europäischer Statistiker (Zensusrunde 1990 bzw. 2000). Bei der Zählung 2001 waren auch die EU-Leitlinien für das gemeinschaftliche Programm der Volks- und Wohnungszählungen maßgeblich. Gebietsstand des aktuellsten Erhebungsjahres. |
Keywords | Registerzählung, Volkszählung, Abgestimmte Erwerbsstatistik, Bevölkerung, Wohnort, Alter, Geschlecht, Staatsbürgerschaft |
Responsible maintainer | Statistik Austria, Guglgasse 13, 1110 Wien, Austria |
License | Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International |
English title and description | Censuses, Register-based labour market statistics - Demographics; The Register-based censuses 2011 and 2021 and the Register-based labour market statistics are complete surveys on characteristics of the Austrian resident population as per 31 October and are conducted by using information from administrative registers. The characteristics and definitions are based on the EU regulation on population and housing censuses. The 1991 and 2001 Population censuses are complete enumerations of the total population by using questionnaires for the reference dates 15 May 1991 and 15 May 2001, respectively. The concept of the censuses is based on the National Population Census Act of 1980 as well as the Census Recommendations of the Conference of European Statisticians. The 2001 census is also based on the EU guidelines for the community programme of population and housing censuses. Territorial structure of the latest survey year. |
Dataset/Service 1 - OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1 | |
URL to access the data/service | OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1.csv |
Format | csv |
Date of publication | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Date of last update | Jun 28, 2023, 9:12:42 AM |
Dataset/Service 2 - OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_HEADER | |
URL to access the data/service | OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_HEADER.csv |
Format | csv |
Date of publication | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Date of last update | Jun 28, 2023, 9:12:42 AM |
Dataset/Service 3 - OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRJAHR1-0 | |
URL to access the data/service | OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRJAHR1-0.csv |
Format | csv |
Date of publication | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Date of last update | Jun 28, 2023, 9:12:42 AM |
Dataset/Service 4 - OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRGEONAT1-0 | |
URL to access the data/service | OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRGEONAT1-0.csv |
Format | csv |
Date of publication | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Date of last update | Jun 28, 2023, 9:12:42 AM |
Dataset/Service 5 - OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRAGE4-0 | |
URL to access the data/service | OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRAGE4-0.csv |
Format | csv |
Date of publication | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Date of last update | Jun 28, 2023, 9:12:42 AM |
Dataset/Service 6 - OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRSEX1-0 | |
URL to access the data/service | OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRSEX1-0.csv |
Format | csv |
Date of publication | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Date of last update | Jun 28, 2023, 9:12:42 AM |
Dataset/Service 7 - OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRCOCNAT5-0 | |
URL to access the data/service | OGD_regz_rz_vz_aest_dem_RZ_VZ_AEST_DEMO_1_C-ZRCOCNAT5-0.csv |
Format | csv |
Date of publication | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Date of last update | Jun 28, 2023, 9:12:42 AM |
Additional information | |
Unique identifier | c0ee4143-97c7-3d24-a619-a293ced28cfc |
Date of metadata | Jun 28, 2023 |
Metadata schema name | OGD Austria Metadata 2.3 |
Metadata schema language | ger |
Metadata character set | utf8 |
Additional metadata | |
Attribute description | C-ZRJAHR1-0:Jahr;C-ZRGEONAT1-0:Wohnort;C-ZRAGE4-0:Alter in Jahren (Ebene +3);C-ZRSEX1-0:Geschlecht;C-ZRCOCNAT5-0:Staatsangehörigkeit (Ebene +4);F-PERS_CNT:Anzahl der Personen |
Contact to maintainer | |
Validity date | Apr 28, 2023, 9:00:00 AM |
Update frequency | annually |
Full name of data source | Datenquelle: Statistik Austria - |