Statistics Austria
The portal offers a range of data sets from the dictionary of official Austrian statistical data.
The data offered here conforms to the
Principles Of Open Data, therefore being machine-readable.
You may use this data without restrictions — both for personal and commercial purposes, like applications or visualizations.
Please see our Usage Terms for more details.
Special information
Your feedback is essential for us, we highly appreciate any comments, suggestions and wishes
- especially regarding the range of data being provided.
Please feel free to send a message to,
and keep us informed about any application that provides information based upon the data presented on this portal,
as you are invited by the Usage Terms.
Which data is available?
We, Statistics Austria, being the leading information service provider, are able to cover all relevant sociopolitical
and economical topics.
Therefore, on this platform, you may find latest statistical information from the range of topics covered by Statistics Austria.
Click here to proceed to the data pages ->
How may I use the data?
The data is available according to the Open Data Principles, free of charge. Further information about the data is available through the data pages and the description of available Formats. The data is licensed under "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" ( CC BY 4.0). Please see the the Usage Terms for more details.